Thursday, August 9, 2007


Did you hear that Padfoot? We get to destroy a park!! And you have no idea how scary it is being in Padfoot's debt...And no I will not find someone else! I'm am completely and totally in love with Lily! Nobody could brake that bond!!! *glares at Padfoot* How could you think that?! Moony might find someone though. You too Padfoot, you need a girl to straighten you out *evil grin* don't worry I'll help you! There's a lovely blond not to far from where I'm staying, and believe me she seems like the perfect match for you. And for Moony...there's a girl that lives next door who seems like you type. But then again I'm not totally sure what your type is....But you guys should at least come over and I'll point them out for you! *innocent smile*


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