Monday, August 20, 2007


Would you 2 please stop telling people that I have mono. Its going to ruin my reputation as the cool new British guy...*looks at Padfoot* don't say anything Padfoot! (Your just jealous that I get to stay home)

But, yes I am sick. No, it is not mono, it's an extremely bad cold. I have the typical symptoms. Sore throat, cough, head ache, and slight fever. No, I have not been kissing anybody and if I had I would have made sure that they didn't have any deceases from the past or present, because I'm not like Padfoot.

I have some interesting news about our little furry friend by the way. (I mean Padfoot.) He hasn't actually acted like the usual man whore that he did at Hogwarts! And I must say that it's quite interesting to watch him chase after that nice blond girl. *laughs loudly* You should have seen him! He ran into a wall while he was trying to get her attention! Our little Moony is getting lucky. The lovely brown haired girl seems to have taken an interest in him *wiggles eyebrows at Moony*

No Padfoot I don't like the lovely brown haired girls twin! (Though I must say she is quite interesting. Smart, pretty, athletic...) I'm taking my time in actually trying out a relationship for once.

*sigh* I'm gonna go eat...


(By the way the Potter puppet pals are hilarious!!)


Padfoot said...

I am not chasing her! And hopefully my girls don't have dead people either.

Disease mate, not decease.

And that wall came out of nowhere *ehem* (I'm going to steal your wand...) I loathe you...


Moony said...

Seriously Prongs! You have all of the symptoms of mono and you've been sick for a while now...but mate, seriously, who have you been kissing???!!! Padfoot, padfoot, really do need to stop chasing her you git! You're freaking her out!

Padfoot said...

I AM NOT CHASING HER! I am Padfoot. Bachelor extroadinares chase no one. And I'm not freaking her out... Actually I got her tell cone number. ;D Padfoot strikes again!
