Monday, August 13, 2007

Muggle School

So this muggle school is...interesting. Except why the hell am I signed up for pilates and dance!?!? You two have something to do with this...

Animal Science scares me guys, they talk about dogs getting heart worms and rabies (which I try to spread to you guys constantly without success). Can you get doggy diseases if your only part dog? So scary scary...

Oh! Cute Blonde haired girl is in a few of my classes! Awooooo! And I found out her name! We have Math (Blah! The teacher must be pranked for giving out homework) , French (I know it I just have to dig it back out...), and English (Need I say more?). Anyway, I'll try to get a picture of the school with my tell cone and post it on our trusty blog (even though all of those people will get tired not being able to move...YAY!)

One of the teachers bothered to ask me what I like to be called, she seemed to think I was conceited when I told her "Oh, Magnificent One." Just wait until she meets Prongs, then she won't think that I'm so big headed.


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