Sunday, August 26, 2007


Why must I know these muggle terms? My dashing good looks already draw people (of the female persuasion) to me! And I could have sworn that you called it a chimera.

So yesterday we went to the movies. I had seen a movie before but this was odd. No one was watching. People kept talking and stuff. Why pay 9 IOU's to not watch!?! Candy is good though. I didn't buy my own but stole some of Prong's Sour Punch Straws. They taste yummy! But they don't actually punch like I hoped they would...

Tooo much homework... I had 2 essays and math work. And Moony said that this school would be easier than Hogwarts! Pah! Today I go to cause havoc at the "Mall". I shall return triumphant! (Or at least with some gummy worms or something.)


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