Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Now that I have experienced the wonders of the movie theatre, and this so called "Transformers," I continually turn around expecting my toaster to become a super high-tech robot. But alas, no awe-inspiring robot-wonder yet.

Bleh! Scarlet Letter is the root of all evil! First we were forced into reading the book, then there were questions, and now they dare to give the magnificent Padfoot an essay! And on the same night as a date! Don't these people keep a copy of my social schedule so that they can plan around it!?! If not, then they certainly should. This is the last time that Padfoot must cut short dinner and a movie for the detestable act of "homework"!



Unknown said...

A date? With a certain brown haired athletic girl?

Prongs said...

Padfoot I hope you were nice. ;)

Padfoot said...

I'm always nice =D right?