Sunday, September 30, 2007

♪♫ We Are the Champions ♪♫

Woot! I tied for first! (not quite as awe-inspiring as winning but...)

Muggle exams are borbant (boring in Francais). Everything is so easy that it leaves my maliciously inclined mind to wander in many dangerous directions. Like dropping shoes on heads as people pass under the bridges... Or throwing sharp pencils at balloons... Or making Moony's hair turn pink whenever he blushes...Or making Prongs spew jingle bell noises everytime he attempts to speak. Sigh, oh the possibilities *evil grin*.

But at least All Hallows Eve and its pranking goodness will be here soon. Only one more month! And the Movie Fright Fest at the local movie theatre should be brilliant!

Prongs keeps abandoning me for "baseball" so I went to a theatre thing with Moony. Casting for the new show should be up later tonight.

Blonde haired girl! I miss her...!!! Ok, I'm done. Time to move onto my next mission! There are still more women in the sea, and it definitely adds to the appeal of muggle girls that they can't hex me if they get angry.



Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I believe, Padfoot, that the term is FISH in the sea, other wise the ladies would be very cold, and wet, and probably not in the mood to date you, despite(or is that due to?) you charm and wit. And while they can't jinx you, they have other ways to make your life hell that are just about as powerful. Oh, and muggle girls are really good at slapping (to study up on this check out the Pirates of the Caribbean movies there are lots of examples).