Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I'm Ba-ack! **Dun Dun Duuuuun!**

Aren't you all so glad? The great Padfoot has returned from vacation (And a mighty fine vacation it has been)! However, I was most displeased to find that my shrine had not been built, and I actually had to finish it myself (well... my magic and I...).

The beauty of vacation is that you don't have to behave yourself... And the beauty of Mexico is that they don't card, and when you get in trouble for illegally setting off fireworks, you can give any name that you want to! The Notorious James Potter strikes again! And all of the people you meet are very...intellectually enlightening? (*cough*girls in bikinis*cough*).

But alas, I must be back to my frequently packed social life. And to all of you (Moony, Prongs and Readers) who have been nagging me, I am not as hopeless a womanizer as you think I am (*cough*). The girl previously mentioned in my post about the evils of homework in relation to dates has not been harmed in the making of this blog (I think...), and I am always a perfect gentleman! *Moony and Prongs laugh* *Levicorpus*


1 comment:

Unknown said...

So how was Mexico, little Mr.Sneak-off-to-the-beach-to-"watch the sunrise". So how much sun actually got watched? None? Oh, well what ever did you do instead?