Sunday, December 9, 2007

Evil spanish dictionary!!!!

Wow its been a while since i posted!

Well to elaborate on the title of this post, Moony (getting revenge for that damned talking sweater...) gave me a new Spanish dictionary because mine "mysteriously" disappeared, so of coarse I took it graciously. Well, as soon as I tried to use it the damn thing started yelling at me!!! In Spanish!!! And I had no idea what it was saying!!!! Imagine my surprise when my teacher came over and asked me how I knew all those Spanish swear words!! I bet you can guess what i got out of that....Yeah a weeks worth of lunch detention!!!!

Oh and that isn't even the worst of it! It keeps yelling out this word um...."terea" what the hell does that mean????? I've been trying to have a conversation with it, but it doesn't really help that I can't speak a word of Spanish!!!

So finally....I tried to shut it up. Lets just say, it didn't respond well to that. All I did was try and tape it shut!! Then it attacked me!! It nearly broke my nose because it wouldn't let go!!! And guess what Moony did....sat there and laughed.

Well its not as bad as Padfoot's talking pen, which, I must say, is a horrible singer!!!


1 comment:

Moony said... haven't even gotten the worst of it my friend. And Padfoot hasn't even gotten a taste of his own medicine yet either... *evil, malicious grin*
