Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Things That Aren't Supposed To Be Funny...

High school is a most interesting place because High-schoolers seem to interpret things in...creative ways. Like when the Amazing Padfoot says that he's hot and they immediately assume that I think I'm good looking (which I am, but still). Well, think about a teacher saying the following and think about why muggle teenagers might find it funny. So the biology teacher asked, How do you make a hormone? Now ponder this for a minute. Anyway, the point is that a lack of magical and maniacal entertainment is turning me into a less than admirable average muggle teenager! I laughed at the hormone question... Somebody save me (preferably a pretty girl in a bikini doing a Baywatch run)!!! By the way, I have discovered cable television and it is my hero.

-Padfoot, in desperate need of clever plotting

1 comment:

Nathan said...

Hello Mauraders,
My name is Nathan(if you already haven't figured this out). I just happened to stumble upon this blog by some really weird coincedence, almost like magic! Anyway, I read it, and I absolutely love it! You guys are the greatest!