Sunday, March 30, 2008

My god this place has been empty.

Sorry fans who actually read this blog, it has been quite dead lately. Everyone of us has been very busy considering our sophmore year in Red Mountain High School I coming to a quick end, and the summer of our Junior year there is about to begin. We each have have last minute projects, more of this so called AIM's testing (Padfoot: I still don't see what it's aiming at...we just sit in those stuffy classrooms for hours on end and bubble in random answers...) Padfoot of course is still extremely dim. And Prongs still can't get a date! Jeez Prongsy we should really work on that for you. Anyway I just thought I'd update.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes all two of us have been waitung impatiently for more blogs from the marauders!