Thursday, July 26, 2007

Fruit Bombs!!!

Padfoot! Guess what?! I know where we can get those notorious fruit bombs!! As a matter of fact i have some! They're not quit as amusing as Snivelous 'tinking' but we can do some experiments with dropping them down the toilet...We always did enjoy blowing things up. *evil grin* and Moony, our grades will probably be just as good as long as we have you to help us! And since we can't use magic you can't make our home work yell at us about doing our own home work for once and then burst into flame. *claps Moony on the back* Well have fun with that mate! This will be an interesting year. *looks at Padfoot and grins*



Padfoot said...

Yeah! Fruit bombs! For anyone who has no idea what we're talkin' about, visit our friends at Marauding Mayhem.

Moony said...

Yout two are not getting anywhere near anything that explodes, or causes any type of destruction what-so-ever!! We're trying to be normal here!!!
