Thursday, November 8, 2007

I'm not lazy...

I am not lazy. I am far from lazy. This whole internet thing is the problem. The family that so graciously took me in has also supplied me with a computer. Granted its kind of old, but it was a nice gesture. Unfortunately the wireless internet that they have supplied me with doesn't always like to work. I'm sure most muggle people have this problem. Stupid me, I was unable to fix it the muggle way and being my forgetful self I left my wand at Padfoots house. For those of you who don't know Padfoot, you have escaped the chaos known as his room. Once you leave something in Padfoots room it, unfortunately and somehow, disapears. So I just got my wand back this morning (no thanks to Padfoot who was considering making me beg for his enjoyment). But now I have gotten it back and am now able to post again. Prongs on the other hand is standing firm on his declaration of not posting till Padfoot stops with the polls. (He doesn't understand why Padfoot can't put my name on them instead of his.) Sorry mate but you're just more fun to make fun of. *Leviocorpus! Mwahahahahahahaha*


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