Wednesday, September 5, 2007 2 are insane

Just because I haven't posted in a while doesn't mean that I'm never going to post ever. I've been busy, deal with it. Its hard enough having you two jump all over me at school whenever I see you but serioualy... give me a break!! And no you cannot make a qoute, "Padfoot and Prongs Show", you would corrupt way to many people with your thoughts(which i don't really understand myself). But other than that, GIVE ME A BREAK YOU TWO GITS!!!



Padfoot said...

Bleh! Boring Moony has no life, just an endless amount of laziness.


And it should sooo be changed to the "Padfoot and Prongs Show" or the "Padfoot Extravaganza Hour!".

Unknown said...

hey check out my blog at

You guys are mentioned directly, in fact there is a whole post about you!