The great dictator of muggles, Padfoot, declares an end to this uber-boring hate fest. As much as I love havoc, this is just going overboard. No one comes onto a Marauders blog looking for boring feuds! Fun talk is much preferred. So from now until I am dethroned (which shall be never) this Fan vs. Prongs battle is ended in a draw.
To lighten the mood and give you all an idol picture to worship, here is me in grim form. Aren't I adorable?
-Padfoot (who is soo winning the popularity poll! Wootwoot!)
Thanks Padfoot. It was getting kinda pointless...
It can be the "Padfoot and Prongs show" You deserve to be in the front more that me. You acted way more mature than I did...
Nah, since Moony actually posted I think it has to stay High School With The Marauders.
Fine, but not because of you Padfoot, My friend has requested that I stop as he is sure that he is going to get chewed out by you tomorrow, because of my argument with you!
Yay this piontless fued is finally over. I think i might have said soemthings myself but i do not take back the "pompous moron" comment.
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