Woot! I tied for first! (not quite as awe-inspiring as winning but...)
Muggle exams are borbant (boring in Francais). Everything is so easy that it leaves my maliciously inclined mind to wander in many dangerous directions. Like dropping shoes on heads as people pass under the bridges... Or throwing sharp pencils at balloons... Or making Moony's hair turn pink whenever he blushes...Or making Prongs spew jingle bell noises everytime he attempts to speak. Sigh, oh the possibilities *evil grin*.
But at least All Hallows Eve and its pranking goodness will be here soon. Only one more month! And the Movie Fright Fest at the local movie theatre should be brilliant!
Prongs keeps abandoning me for "baseball" so I went to a theatre thing with Moony. Casting for the new show should be up later tonight.
Blonde haired girl! I miss her...!!! Ok, I'm done. Time to move onto my next mission! There are still more women in the sea, and it definitely adds to the appeal of muggle girls that they can't hex me if they get angry.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Padfoot and Moony...
I have a theory that Padfoot and Moony are torturing me about being venison because they have finally lost interest in all other things...Maybe if I find them new girls to chase they'll stop....?? *sigh*
Raise you hand if you feel like exams in the muggle world are harder than exams in the wizarding world. *Padfoot, Moony and Prongs all raise their hands* Good I didn't want to be the only one....The reason I ask is because I have 4 exams tomorrow and I'm not prepared for any of them! To bad I can't use my wand during class hours....
Just a thought...Pretty blond haired girl and Football player are very cute together....
Well I'm off to Baseball practice again....I'll post soon!
Raise you hand if you feel like exams in the muggle world are harder than exams in the wizarding world. *Padfoot, Moony and Prongs all raise their hands* Good I didn't want to be the only one....The reason I ask is because I have 4 exams tomorrow and I'm not prepared for any of them! To bad I can't use my wand during class hours....
Just a thought...Pretty blond haired girl and Football player are very cute together....
Well I'm off to Baseball practice again....I'll post soon!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
These polls are ridiculous...
How in the bloody hell is wormtail winning in this whole favorite marauders poll?? Shame on anyone who has voted for that traitor. Come to think of it... He doesn't even post on this blog! Atleast I am beating Prongs, *grins evily* but most people would like to eat him. Haha just messing with you mate*dodges the tinking hex*. *Sheepish grin* Nobody really wants to eat you mate calm down. Anyway judging from the polls, it looks like we have more fans than when we started. Keep on reading and please don't get corrupted by these two (though I'm farely sure thats to late).
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Pudding Minions, UNITE!
Yay! Pudding minions have restored the order of the world! Pudding shall once again rule the universe and my plots for world domination... erm. You don't need to know that. Keep the votes comin' mates! We still have a few more days to choose the most popular Marauder!
(Erm, ignore the world domination comment. Lets just say, if I told you, I would have to kill you.)
(Erm, ignore the world domination comment. Lets just say, if I told you, I would have to kill you.)
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Betrayal, Of The Acutest Kind
My own creations have betrayed me... Not only am I losing the most popular Marauder poll, but Pudding is losing the favorite food poll!!!!! What kind of monsters have we attracted to this blog with our dashing looks and charming personalities (not to mention our perfectly composed sense of humor and intelligence) !??!
Sigh. And another blow to my ego, I have lost pretty blonde haired girl. Oh well (I've been told that I recover insensitively quickly) there are enough fish in the sea to have one (or more) on each arm!
And to all of you who didn't vote that pudding was your favorite food, I scorn you!
By the way, Prongs is way better at Guitar Hero than Moony is. No offense meant but... You both kind of suck. *runs and hides from the wrath of hexes*
Sigh. And another blow to my ego, I have lost pretty blonde haired girl. Oh well (I've been told that I recover insensitively quickly) there are enough fish in the sea to have one (or more) on each arm!
And to all of you who didn't vote that pudding was your favorite food, I scorn you!
By the way, Prongs is way better at Guitar Hero than Moony is. No offense meant but... You both kind of suck. *runs and hides from the wrath of hexes*
I resent this...
Whoes idea was this new poll? Moony? PADFOOT!!!! You are the worst!! C'mon can't you give me a break? Shame on all those people who are voting for venison! Padfoot I found my wand, and you are so going to get it!
On less annoying terms, *glares at Padfoot* us marauders are getting more and more popular aren't we? (By the way who changed all their votes to Wormtail??) I feel so loved! *Pretends to bask in the glow of love* Well fans keep it coming! We're loving it! Notice the silent pun.
Well its time for me to be off! I'll post soon!
On less annoying terms, *glares at Padfoot* us marauders are getting more and more popular aren't we? (By the way who changed all their votes to Wormtail??) I feel so loved! *Pretends to bask in the glow of love* Well fans keep it coming! We're loving it! Notice the silent pun.
Well its time for me to be off! I'll post soon!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Flagstaff, The Final Frontier
So maybe not the final, but certainly newer and frontier-ier than anything lately. My muggle family decided that we should take a jaunt up to see yon "Flag Staff". It was a three hour ride in this dinky non-flying car, With NO PUDDING! Then they suggest that we visit (as they call it) "The Holy Star Buck".
Now obviously, this Star Buck must be a magnificent god of sort, because we stopped at the gargantuan shrine called Star Buck's. (<----Blatantly unoriginal name if you ask me.) How many Star Buck Worshippers can gather in one place?!? I mean there are temples on every corner yet this one still manages to remain full! All of the loyal devotees gets into line to make there offering to the priests and priestesses in the temple and in exchange, are given the frothy drink that keeps you awake all day and night (most likely so they can do secret midnight rituals...) Some people it seems, even visit the shrine every morning to pay tribute. I must say that despite the ceremony and junk, this holy frothy drink tasted like chocolate and coffee to moi... Eh, Pudding is still better.
-Padfoot (Who is still a pudding worshipper)
Now obviously, this Star Buck must be a magnificent god of sort, because we stopped at the gargantuan shrine called Star Buck's. (<----Blatantly unoriginal name if you ask me.) How many Star Buck Worshippers can gather in one place?!? I mean there are temples on every corner yet this one still manages to remain full! All of the loyal devotees gets into line to make there offering to the priests and priestesses in the temple and in exchange, are given the frothy drink that keeps you awake all day and night (most likely so they can do secret midnight rituals...) Some people it seems, even visit the shrine every morning to pay tribute. I must say that despite the ceremony and junk, this holy frothy drink tasted like chocolate and coffee to moi... Eh, Pudding is still better.

Friday, September 21, 2007
Well I think we all know who's going to win this poll. (No matter how much we don't want to admit it.) I'm currently in Padfoots messy room.
Well I haven't posted in a while have I? I'll tell you why. My very strict teachers have been loading me with homework for the past few days and I haven't been able to find any time to come on and post.
I see that Moony's actually posted for once! Lets all have a round of applause for Moony!! *Claps enthusiastically* Somehow Moony has found his way into drama club...I bet your asking, "Why isn't Padfoot in drama club?" I think its because Padfoot gets too easily distracted to pay attention to one thing at a time.
Well we're currently watching a very addicting show and it's on pause. (And I must say it's very frustrating.) Well I must go. I'll post as soon as mentally possible.
Well I haven't posted in a while have I? I'll tell you why. My very strict teachers have been loading me with homework for the past few days and I haven't been able to find any time to come on and post.
I see that Moony's actually posted for once! Lets all have a round of applause for Moony!! *Claps enthusiastically* Somehow Moony has found his way into drama club...I bet your asking, "Why isn't Padfoot in drama club?" I think its because Padfoot gets too easily distracted to pay attention to one thing at a time.
Well we're currently watching a very addicting show and it's on pause. (And I must say it's very frustrating.) Well I must go. I'll post as soon as mentally possible.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
The Ruler of the Polls
I just had to take the time to bask in the spectacular warmth of domination. Do you see yon poll? Well that poll shows that 7 dedicated viewers have discovered the wonder that is Padfoot, and have chosen correctly in thinking that I am much cooler than you two! Woot Woot!
-Padfoot, the irrepressible
-Padfoot, the irrepressible
Its finally over.
Ok, now that "post-like-a-pirate-week" is over, I have deemed it safe to post. Padfoot please do not make fun of how horrible I am at said Guitar Hero. Ask the game itself, I had a very good heartfelt attempt and you know it! Anyway, I have found this new type of water. It is amazing, this "Propel". It is very much like...hmmm, i don't think that there is anything to compare it to in the wizarding world...scary...
Guitar Hero! and the End of Pirate-Posts

Unfortunately, now that it is Tuesday, Pirate-Postiness is no more. And also on the downside, this means that I must share the Padfoot Power Hour with Prongs and Moony (who refused to post as long as it was post like a pirate week). But don't forget, International Talk Like a Pirate day is tomorrow!
On another topic, I once posted about the boring safeness of one "video game". Behold! Yon Guitar Hero! (No, it's not a bod picture...You have a bad brain...yeah...that's it.) Moony pretty much sucks and Prongs is too busy with "baseball" to come play with us, but I rock! Woot Woot!!! Anyway, Prongs and Moony have just come into my holy palace to fetch me for school =P.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
...Pirate talk is hard
I be postin' today mate so don't say that I be slackin' on me duties. I'm sorry, but me learners have been firin' cannon balls of homework at me. I shall be gettin' back at them as soon as school be stared on Monday. My feet be hurtin' mightily after that damned tournament of baseball! Arrg talkin' like a pirate be hard for me so I shall be signing off now. (Sorry it was such a short post! Padfoot I know you'll be mad at me, but not all of us are as skillfully gifted at talking like a pirate as you are! Notice the subtle suck up)
Arr! Well it be seemin' that the lads, Moony an' Prongs, be slackin' in their duties for our blog. An' it also may seem that there be mutiny in my crew, what with Moony postin' in plain english an' all. Now don't forget yeh loyal admirers of us strappin' marauders that official "Talk Like A Pirate Day" be comin' up this Wednesday. So I want to be seein' all of you (especially you lassies *wink*) wearin' your plunderin' garb. Argh!
-El Capitan Padfoot
(By the way, make sure to check out the link to "Pastafarians" if you are 'not religiously inclined'. You'll be amused.)
-El Capitan Padfoot
(By the way, make sure to check out the link to "Pastafarians" if you are 'not religiously inclined'. You'll be amused.)
Monday, September 10, 2007
Padfoot Thinks...
I think that the only way to do it is combined. Woah, This serious blogginess has left Padfoot...dare we say it...thinking? This must cease!
The magnificent Padfoot declares the rest of the week "Post Like A Pirate Week" to break up the monotony of boringness! So ye had best be postin' like a pirate now lads and lassies, including ye who be commentin' on the blog. Arr! Time to plunder me some pudding from the galley. Enjoy, gents.
-Padfoot (The Pudding Pirate)
The magnificent Padfoot declares the rest of the week "Post Like A Pirate Week" to break up the monotony of boringness! So ye had best be postin' like a pirate now lads and lassies, including ye who be commentin' on the blog. Arr! Time to plunder me some pudding from the galley. Enjoy, gents.
-Padfoot (The Pudding Pirate)
Hmmm...I like that Prongs is finally indebted to me. Actually I am in favor for the the streaking through the campus one but I also like the paint and feather idea(and yes those ideas are both from Padfoot). Hmmm... the possibilities...
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Thanks Padfoot. I know it was sort of getting annoying for both you and Moony, too. I'm sorry I caused all that. I feel really horrible for it. I brought you guys into something that shouldn't have even started in the first place.
I'm officially in both of your debts for putting up with it! I'll do anything so that I can make that up to you!
I'm officially in both of your debts for putting up with it! I'll do anything so that I can make that up to you!
The great dictator of muggles, Padfoot, declares an end to this uber-boring hate fest. As much as I love havoc, this is just going overboard. No one comes onto a Marauders blog looking for boring feuds! Fun talk is much preferred. So from now until I am dethroned (which shall be never) this Fan vs. Prongs battle is ended in a draw.
To lighten the mood and give you all an idol picture to worship, here is me in grim form. Aren't I adorable?
-Padfoot (who is soo winning the popularity poll! Wootwoot!)
Saturday, September 8, 2007
This is for the person who obviously can't take a joke...
*Teary eyed* Moony I didn't know you cared so much! (My suggestion still stands) But since it's bothering this Connor character I shall no longer refer to the football player as anything, unless somebody else posts about him before me. (But if that makes him happy I'm probably going to take that back...) *Grins evilly at Connor* Hope you enjoy those gummy bears!
"On my way to where the air is sweet. Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street?"
OK I'm done. But Moony, make sure those gummy bears last extra long for our little fan...*smiles innocently*
"On my way to where the air is sweet. Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street?"
OK I'm done. But Moony, make sure those gummy bears last extra long for our little fan...*smiles innocently*
I'm not so sure about this "Connor" character
Personally I'm not so sure about this Connor character. Maybe its because he seems like a pompous moron, maybe its because hes a Padfoot fan(they always creeped me out for some reason), or maybe its because hes insulting my best mate(GRRRR). Though I fairly sure its a combination of all three. So lets deduce this shall we... hes a pompous moron who is a majorly scary Padfoot fan and who's picking on my best mate. Hey Padfoot I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to hex your friend
(Padfoot:*excitedly* MAKE HIM TINK!!!)
(Prongs:*darkly* Enchant gummy bears to sing "Mr.Rogers Neighborhood" or "Sesame Street" *Sunny Days, sweeping the clouds away...* On second thought, make it Sesame Street!)
(Padfoot:*excitedly* MAKE HIM TINK!!!)
(Prongs:*darkly* Enchant gummy bears to sing "Mr.Rogers Neighborhood" or "Sesame Street" *Sunny Days, sweeping the clouds away...* On second thought, make it Sesame Street!)
Blog Wars
A. What the hell is a pudding minion?
B. Why was I one?
C. Why would I want to be one?
D. Yeah the new name is sooooo much better.
E. The pretty blonde-haired girl is going to murder you
F. What loyal fans?
------------------------------------------------Our loyal fan, who you may have seen posting comments now and then, has decided to start a blog war with us magnificent ones here on the "Padfoot and Prongs Show" (sorry Moon). So in due response:
A pudding minion is part of my elite army of pudding worshippers.
You are one because I say so.
You want to be one because...well who wouldn't want to be one!?!
All of our loyal fans who read this blog and fawn over us at school a.k.a. EVERYONE!!!
Friday, September 7, 2007
I shall call him...
Connor you are no longer a pudding minion! (Padfoot you shouldn't have put someone like this silly non-informed idiot into our growing army! You now will to hide from me in the morning for I will be carrying a newspaper with me frequently.)
Well I have a new name for this football player. (Please don't kill me pretty blond haired girl!) He shall now be called dancing prancing football boy! Mwahahaha! *sigh* My loyal fans. (Girls I mean) I have found a potential! Padfoot, Moony I bet your happy about that now you have something to tease me about now!
Well I have a new name for this football player. (Please don't kill me pretty blond haired girl!) He shall now be called dancing prancing football boy! Mwahahaha! *sigh* My loyal fans. (Girls I mean) I have found a potential! Padfoot, Moony I bet your happy about that now you have something to tease me about now!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
This Wonder Called Mall


This mysterious "Gelato". Mine is the chocolate! ------->
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
....you 2 are insane
Just because I haven't posted in a while doesn't mean that I'm never going to post ever. I've been busy, deal with it. Its hard enough having you two jump all over me at school whenever I see you but serioualy... give me a break!! And no you cannot make a qoute, "Padfoot and Prongs Show", you would corrupt way to many people with your thoughts(which i don't really understand myself). But other than that, GIVE ME A BREAK YOU TWO GITS!!!
Sunday, September 2, 2007
...I found out that oafish football player now reads this thanks to Padfoot (have I mentioned that I hate you?) And now he's out for blood...(Okay maybe not blood, but definitely for a few broken bones...Where's Madam Pomfrey when you need her??) So I have decided that he will now be refered to as just "strange football player"
That "football" game was fun! We cause so much havoc throwing water bottles at the people below us. :) Yeah it was great! I think that they copied Quidditch when they made that game. Its an awful lot like it....
Hey mates we need to see this new movie called "Super Bad" I heard that it was hilarious!
That "football" game was fun! We cause so much havoc throwing water bottles at the people below us. :) Yeah it was great! I think that they copied Quidditch when they made that game. Its an awful lot like it....
Hey mates we need to see this new movie called "Super Bad" I heard that it was hilarious!
Saturday, September 1, 2007
The Yummy and The Almost-Quidditch
The Yummy: a muggle substance made of gummy and sour, made into the shape of a worm. This strange new matter can be found at the infamous "Fuzziwigs" in the "mall". It kinda creeps me out though 'cause the worms don't move, or spew guts or anything.. The silent sniper type I assume. Maybe they turn giant when you're sleeping and try to eat your brains...
The Almost-Quidditch: You know the pictures that Prongs put on a few post back, and there was this one of the thing that looked a little like a Quidditch goal? Turns out that it is for the American sport, "Football". What a weird name. They don't even use their feet, so why foot ball...Unless the ball is made of a giant's foot skin or something. Wicked... Anyway, I guess it kinda is like Quidditch. There's this one guy who must be like the Seeker, and he's trying to get the "quarter". Then there are all these people passing the ball around, they're kinda like Chasers. Then there are the guys trying to tackle them, they must be the Beaters. And a few times, a Chaser would throw the ball and it would be caught by someone of the other team who must be like the Keeper. It's really weird and they don't serve pudding at the concession stand T_T. Everyone gets really excited over it though and it was fun to jump around wearing war paint and yelling! For once I wasn't the only crazy one in the stands! Yay for High School!!
The Almost-Quidditch: You know the pictures that Prongs put on a few post back, and there was this one of the thing that looked a little like a Quidditch goal? Turns out that it is for the American sport, "Football". What a weird name. They don't even use their feet, so why foot ball...Unless the ball is made of a giant's foot skin or something. Wicked... Anyway, I guess it kinda is like Quidditch. There's this one guy who must be like the Seeker, and he's trying to get the "quarter". Then there are all these people passing the ball around, they're kinda like Chasers. Then there are the guys trying to tackle them, they must be the Beaters. And a few times, a Chaser would throw the ball and it would be caught by someone of the other team who must be like the Keeper. It's really weird and they don't serve pudding at the concession stand T_T. Everyone gets really excited over it though and it was fun to jump around wearing war paint and yelling! For once I wasn't the only crazy one in the stands! Yay for High School!!
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