Friday, August 24, 2007


We took Prongs new 'Chimera' and took pictures of our new school. The 'campus' is almost as big as Hogwarts' grounds and you have to walk from end to the other in 5 minutes. Hehe, cute blonde hair girl got into one of the pictures =D.

Check out the new songs! Prongs says that Hard to be Humble is definatley my song. What can I say, when you're as amazing as I am it truly is hard. sigh. And yes, Prongs should be a reindeer (maybe without the running over Grandma though ((unless it's Grandma Black)) ) Halloween is coming up, woot! Candy and Parties!



Unknown said...

hi girls, er, guys. I hope that ur school is going well. Lots of Felix Felicitous in every thing this year.

Padfoot said...

Yay! We have a follower! You have been drafted as a Pudding Minion now. Felix Felicitous rules!