Sunday, August 12, 2007

Go For It Moony!!

YAY for Moony! I'm so proud of you! *pretends to wipe tear* Padfoot, our shy little wolf is growing up!

Padfoot I found out something about said brown haired girl yesterday. I was walking on the wall, (it's one of my shortcuts to go and meet you two) and I just happened to look over into her yard and she was sitting by her pool READING!! Yeah that's right, I said reading! Remind you of anyone? *wiggles eyebrows at Moony* (NO I was not spying! I just happened to look over, and when I saw her reading I was so shocked that I fell off the wall! That's why I was late yesterday...) I'm with Padfoot on this one. It's gonna be an interesting chase to watch.

*sigh* It's to bad we don't have any classes together, but then again it might be good to get away from you two. At least the muggles won't try to kill me! *glares at Padfoot* That flaming hairspray trick wasn't the nicest thing you've ever done Padfoot...And don't say "but I needed to test it on somebody!" or give me that puppy-dog face of yours when you say it. Why do you think we have Moony? *looks at Moony* (Sorry mate! Why do you think we took you along on this one?) *dodges a book thrown at head*


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