Sunday, February 24, 2008


Padfoot's the one who's been complaining that this place is dead. I don't see why we, that is Prongs and I, have to suffer from his grueling torment when he won't even get off his lazy butt and come post himself. Just thought I'd make that comment since I was the last one who posted anyway. Prongs and Padfoot are just lazy.


P.S. If nobody sees me for the next few days its because I will be beating Padfoot with a rolled up newspaper on account of just finding a lion cub under my bed. Which now explains my missing shoes, and why Padfoot has been insisting that we leave steak in the middle of the room. Still no sign of those flesh-eating monkeys though.

1 comment:

Padfoot said...

Oh they will come. Just wait... Mwahahahahaha!

-Padfoot (who is not lazy..)