Saturday, January 19, 2008

Oh please Padfoot...

Padfoot you enjoy overreacting don't you?? So I've got a new girlfriend...? What about yours huh? Yeah, I'm not the only one who didn't post about their new girlfriend right mate. Thats right all of you Padfoot fans out there. He has been tamed. Thats right tamed! My best mate here just has so many bloody issues with admitting it. What's that term they use here in America... Oh thats right its whipped. You are whipped big time. He may act like hes the same old womanizing Padfoot, which in a way he still is, but he has been officially tamed. *Levicorpus!!* Haha just thought I'd let your fans know the truth.


P.S. As for Prongs, he STILL can't get a date! *aguamenta!* *sputtering* god twice in one day, I was just pointing out a bloody fact!

1 comment:

Padfoot said...

Padfoot decrees that you deserve your fate. He however will never bow down to the whim of anyone.

-Padfoot (who will never admit to being whipped)