Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas with Diablo....

Well, sorry Padfoot, that sounds sounds....interesting? No that's not the right word for it....HILARIOUS!!! That's it! :D

Like Padfoot I've taken it upon myself to name this damn talking Spanish dictionary. And it has been rightfully named Diablo. Fits right? Well I'm actually going to defend it a little bit because it is actually a big help. Let me explain...

At our beloved Red Mountain, we had midterms on Tuesday and today. My midterms in Spanish were today, and if you haven't already guessed, I wasn't even prepared. Well this is were Diablo came in. I would read the question out loud (the test was in all Spanish) and stare at it until I decided to follow my instincts and choose a random answer. After about the 5th time I did this, the dictionary screamed out, "!Eres un idioto! !La pregunta es no dificil! !Es A estupido!" which translates to, "Your and idiot! The question isn't dificult! Its A stupid!" (I asked Moony).

Oh yeah, I was surprised. I just looked at it for a second and circled A. I got the best score on the midterm!! Maybe this thing isn't so bad....*hears the dictionary teaching Harold "Feliz Navidad"*

....never mind*covers ears* neither of the things can hold a tune...


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