Monday, December 31, 2007

New Years Eve

New Years Eve I have to say is quite exhausting. Not like Christmas (after you're done decorating, and shopping that is). You keep getting these bloody invitations to all of these different "New Years Parties". It's absolutely insane. There are too many to count. I'm sure Padfoot is worse off than me considering so many girls are in love with him *Padfoot gives a saucy grin*. *sigh* Jeez mate you really should stop leading them all on. Anyway, just posting to wish everyone a happy new year!


Monday, December 24, 2007

Holiday Stuff

This holiday stuff is exhausting! First there's the cleaning, then the cooking, then the shopping, and having to keep secret what you bought (Which the magnificent Padfoot isn't good about unless it's required for a prank-ish gift)... The worst part is that every year you count down the days until Christmas, AND THEN IT'S OVER! In an hour! Days of counting down and then it comes to an abrupt stop. No more Christmas Cheer. No one giving Padfoot presents. At least this year I don't have to go back to my parent's house, the "most ancient and noble house of Black"... Ancient and Noble my....

There is one thing exciting though, and that's the actual celebrating part. Who doesn't like to sit there while others hand you presents!? I must go search out my gifts! My muggle family isn't very skilled at the art of hiding things. *cackle* I shall find you yet, presents! *Accio Padfoot's Presents!* By the way, Harold has learned Silent Night (courtesy of Prongs and Moony...) and never shuts his trap! Unless we're around my muggle parents! Then the damn thing won't say a thing! They think I'm off my bloody rocker! I'll get you two...

-Padfoot (And Harold, who is covered in duct tape, in a box filled with padding, under my bed. Hehe)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

We wrote this on our way to school!!!!

I forgot to put this in my last post about 2 minutes ago. Moony, Padfoot and I wrote a song. I know scary right? It goes to the rhythm of "Jingle Bells"

Jingle Bells (Marauder style!)
Jingle Bells, Moony smells,
Prongs can't get a date,
Padfoot misses teasing Snape,
and acts just like an ape (oh!)
Muggle pranks, new tails to yank,
teachers will go mad!!
With Marauders in their midst,
who would think we're bad?
[end chorus]
We are gone, all is wrong,
Hogwarts must be bored,
Mcgonagall can give a test,
No pranks in corridors! (oh!)
(Repeat first part of chorus)
Red Mountain gets a treat,
Marauders they get to meet,
high schoolers beware,
Marauders in your hair!!
Look out for cherry bombs,
the teachers that do wrongs,
like giving homework on spring break,
(Moony and Padfoot) Prongs still can't get a date!
(Prongs) Hey!
Jingle bells, Moony smells,
Prongs can't get a date,
Padfoot misses teasing Snape,
and acts just like an ape (oh!)
Muggle pranks, new tails to yank,
teachers will go mad!!
With Marauders in their midst,
who would think we're bad?
[end chorus]
Moony's nose is in a book,
girls give him funny looks,
with evil sweater taunting him,
Prongs and Padfoot win!
(Moony) Damn!
Jingle bells, Moony smells,
Prongs can't get a date,
Padfoot misses teasing Snape,
and acts just like an ape (oh!)
Muggle pranks, new tails to yank,
teachers will go mad!!
With marauders in their midst,
who would think we're bad?
[end chorus]
Padfoot is so vain,
the girls don't see the same,
he has a date each night,
and blows it every time!
Harold's learning hymns,
Padfoot gets no sleep,
that stupid pen can't hold a tune,
Now Padfoot has to weep!
(Padfoot) *sigh*
Jingle bells, Moony smells,
Prongs can't get a date,
Padfoot misses teasing Snape,
and acts just like an ape (oh!)
Muggle pranks, new tails to yank,
teachers will go mad!!
With marauders in their midst,
who would think we're bad?
[end chorus]
Merry Christmas from the loveable Marauders!!!!!

Christmas with Diablo....

Well, sorry Padfoot, that sounds sounds....interesting? No that's not the right word for it....HILARIOUS!!! That's it! :D

Like Padfoot I've taken it upon myself to name this damn talking Spanish dictionary. And it has been rightfully named Diablo. Fits right? Well I'm actually going to defend it a little bit because it is actually a big help. Let me explain...

At our beloved Red Mountain, we had midterms on Tuesday and today. My midterms in Spanish were today, and if you haven't already guessed, I wasn't even prepared. Well this is were Diablo came in. I would read the question out loud (the test was in all Spanish) and stare at it until I decided to follow my instincts and choose a random answer. After about the 5th time I did this, the dictionary screamed out, "!Eres un idioto! !La pregunta es no dificil! !Es A estupido!" which translates to, "Your and idiot! The question isn't dificult! Its A stupid!" (I asked Moony).

Oh yeah, I was surprised. I just looked at it for a second and circled A. I got the best score on the midterm!! Maybe this thing isn't so bad....*hears the dictionary teaching Harold "Feliz Navidad"*

....never mind*covers ears* neither of the things can hold a tune...


Vacation at last.

Not that I don't love school, its just when vacation comes around you tend to get into the spirit of things. It's our fist Chritsmas with our muggle families and I'm betting that Padfoot is celebrating not having to go back to the house of Blacks. *Shudders* Your family is quite scary on the holidays mate... They never smile, its a bit desturbing actually. First we have Christmas then new years! Padfoot just remember not to drink to much alcohol. Think back to the fire whiskey incident at our fifth year...that was interesting. It is a shame though that the full moon has to be ON christmas eve and all...that'll be fun to explain to my muggle family. Anyway, Just posting to wish everyone a happy holiday and by the way Harlod(Padfoots pen)that was an excelent job during Padfoot's interview. (Padfoot: That was you?!) I told you I was going to get you back at some point mate, now we're even. If only I could get that damned sweater to stop stalking me...*sigh*


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Job Interview

So as the magnificent Padfoot is sixteen and looking to have some spare money these here holiday seasons, I figured I had better get a job. The application was in, and I had landed myself an interview. One problem. Both Harold and my wand had managed to make it to my back pocket.

So as I stood in front of the manager, fighting to keep the evil forces at bay, he asks me why he should hire me. Why shouldn't he hire me? I, the amazing, inventive, and devilishly charming Padfoot could give him a million reasons why I was perfect. Not one minute into the speech and that bloody pen starts screaming out its latest song!!! This obnoxious noise sends the wand into fits, it begins sparking, IN MY BACK POCKET! I run yelling out of the office, give a silent
Aguamenti, and walk back in...Completely soaked head to toe. God knows why, but the manager just looks at me and says kind'a befuddled (which is a phenomenal word!), "Umm... We'll call you."

So wouldn't you guess, the irrepressible Padfoot finds himself at home, jobless, but unfortunately not alone. Sigh...


Sunday, December 9, 2007

Evil spanish dictionary!!!!

Wow its been a while since i posted!

Well to elaborate on the title of this post, Moony (getting revenge for that damned talking sweater...) gave me a new Spanish dictionary because mine "mysteriously" disappeared, so of coarse I took it graciously. Well, as soon as I tried to use it the damn thing started yelling at me!!! In Spanish!!! And I had no idea what it was saying!!!! Imagine my surprise when my teacher came over and asked me how I knew all those Spanish swear words!! I bet you can guess what i got out of that....Yeah a weeks worth of lunch detention!!!!

Oh and that isn't even the worst of it! It keeps yelling out this word um...."terea" what the hell does that mean????? I've been trying to have a conversation with it, but it doesn't really help that I can't speak a word of Spanish!!!

So finally....I tried to shut it up. Lets just say, it didn't respond well to that. All I did was try and tape it shut!! Then it attacked me!! It nearly broke my nose because it wouldn't let go!!! And guess what Moony did....sat there and laughed.

Well its not as bad as Padfoot's talking pen, which, I must say, is a horrible singer!!!


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Evil sweater...BLEH!

Never, ever take a gift from Padfoot and Prongs. Never, ever, ever think that they are giving it to you out of the kindness of their hearts a few WEEKS before Christmas. Do you want to know how I know this? I know all of this because Padfoot and Prongs, "out of the kindness of their hearts". They gave me a new sweater... Sure it looks harmless enough but when you put it on guess what it does? It puts you down in every possible way. It comments about your figure, your self esteem, anything that it can pick up on it does. Oh, and when I finally thought it was over pretty brown haired girl was getting cold in class so I graciously handed her my enchanted sweater, or so I thought the enchantment had worn off, and guess what it said to her...

sweater, "You're fat, ugly, and have no self esteem... No wonder you don't have a boyfriend!"

Yeah, now guess who she thinks said it? ME!! Padfoot...Prongs both of you are so dead when I get my hands on you. But not quite yet... I need to think... Think of something that will effect both of you... Maybe something at school...*evil grin* Oh, the possibilities.


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Enchanted Pen of Doom!

To clarify yesterday's rather scattered rant-de-pen, let us start with It Is All Moony's Fault! For my birthday a few months ago, Moony bought me a simple pen. A plain, black, fountain pen. The other day I randomly pulled a pen out for class. It started yelling at me when I took the cap off! All of the months of insults for undone homework just came pouring out in the middle of math! It yelled and used more swear words than even my dear mum knows, and it kept it up until lunch... Finally fed up, I threw the damned thing on the ground and stomped on it. It screamed! And then started spewing red ink! It's a black pen!

So now, I finally shut it up about the homework, only for it to discover that it has a lovely singing voice. Like cats trying to belt bloody opera. My teachers are now convinced that I'm a high soprano... Who is excessicvely fond of the Wizard of Oz.

-Padfoot, and Harold (the pen.)

Monday, December 3, 2007

Pencils, Causing Dual Personalities since Padfoot started using them...

Pencils and Pens. They really are captivating. And I'm not just saying that because Moony and Prongs walked in on a conversation between myself and a talking pen and I need a cover story... So muggles don't use quills, so they have a talking pen instead! It even does your homework for you! Except that Moony spelled mine to yell at me about homework... For some odd and incomprehensible reason, my teachers think that I'm insane because I talk to it, but it talks back! Really it does! But the most phenomenal thing about these pencils is that they erase! And the pens never run out of ink! Why don't they use these at Hogwarts?

-Oh Magnificent One (Or Padfoot if you really prefer it...)