Tuesday, November 27, 2007

2 1/2 weeks of school left

Only 2 1/2 weeks of the first muggle semester are left. Its amazing how quickly it went by. Padfoot is all upset because he, amazingly, still has not found a girl. Sure he dates enough of them but he can't seem to settle down with someone. O well, I can't say the same for the dating thing. Pretty brown haired girl is still just a friend and I like it like that. I have been focusedon scholl and I am proud to say that I have staight A's! The same cannot be said for Prongs (LEVICORPUS!)Haha I'm just messing with you mate. Thats enough of the news and I have to go do my school work ;)!


1 comment:

Padfoot said...

Bleh! Moony is always doing schools work. Have a little fun mate, many good pranking opportunities and gag-gifting await! AWOOOOO!
