Tuesday, July 31, 2007


*pouts* Moony's no fun!! Who said that we were going to blow up the mall? All we said was cause havoc. You know like terrorize the security guards, and drop food on people from the top floor. But I must say that it wouldn't be nearly as fun as turning Snivilous' hair pink and making him tink. *evil grin* And would you stop staring at me like that! Here, *throws a book at Moony's head* read a book! It's almost like you turned into one of those creepy motionless pictures! *walks quickly out of room avoid a book that was thrown at head* Moony's mean!!!


Sunday, July 29, 2007

*sigh* you two are out of your wits

What did i say about destruction you gits?! (Prongs: Hey Moony, is it tell cones or cell phones??? *heaves exasperated sigh*) It's cell phones, you've got it right Prongs. Once again no destruction. And aren't malls supposed to be there for high school enjoyment as it is, please don't go blowing it up just for the satisfaction of it. I'm watching you two by the way.O_O

Down with normalcy!!!

Moony I have a news flash for you....We're not normal!! And frankly I'm surprised the muggles find ways of entertainment without magic! Its ludicrous I tell you, LUDICROUS! As for causing havoc in these 'malls' Padfoot, I'm all for it! We need to get out of these houses!! Its kind of strange how the pictures don't move, they just sit there and stare....It's like they're watching me! It's just creepy! One more thing, I'm pretty sure they're called Cell Phones not Tell cones, but what do I know about muggle society....I know! I'll go ask Moony! *runs out of the room to find Moony*


Tell Cones

It seems that muggles do have some magic. I'm sending this post from one of those 'tell cones'. I understand the Tell part, but it doesn't look at all like a cone (more squareular if you ask me). Anyway this fun new developement means that we don't have to be at home to update about our evil plans! Not to mention talking to the other maraueders during classes! YAY!


Normal =P

Normal Moony? Pah! We shall crash this normalcy! I'm thinking of causing havoc in one of those muggle malls. Lately though, I have been trying out some of these electronic "video games". I don't get it! Where's the awesome fear of death and possibility of loss of limbs!?!? It's just so wrong!! And as for this "normal" house, there is nothing normal about it! The pictures don't move and I haven't been able to find a single package of instant pudding anywhere! THE HORROR!!!

I shall find destructive means to amuse myself *mwahaha!* I think bombs would be good mate.


Saturday, July 28, 2007

I disagree Prongs..

Frankly prongs I disagree. but then again I'm not like you two prats, and i don't have the need to run around every five minutes. And by the way THERE IS NO WAY THAT YOU TWO ARE GETTING ANYWHERE NEAR THOSE BOMBS!!! *calming breath* Ok i just had to get that out. Remember guys n-o-r-m-a-l, normal.

Muggle summers...

How do muggles get through these summers with the limited amount of things they can do?! Its officially been a full week since I've used magic last and I feel like I'm going to explode!! And worse yet, I found out these muggles don't have anything remotely similar to Quiditch! *mourns the loss of not playing Quiditch this year* There are some other "sports" that I'm thinking of trying, but still...*pouts* This baseball seems interesting....*looks thoughtful* Well I just wanted to vent so I'm leaving...


Thursday, July 26, 2007

Fruit Bombs!!!

Padfoot! Guess what?! I know where we can get those notorious fruit bombs!! As a matter of fact i have some! They're not quit as amusing as Snivelous 'tinking' but we can do some experiments with dropping them down the toilet...We always did enjoy blowing things up. *evil grin* and Moony, our grades will probably be just as good as long as we have you to help us! And since we can't use magic you can't make our home work yell at us about doing our own home work for once and then burst into flame. *claps Moony on the back* Well have fun with that mate! This will be an interesting year. *looks at Padfoot and grins*


Haha sorry bout' that padfoot...

A muggle high school...have you two ever come up with a more stupid plan? More of a question would be, why am I going along with this??? *sigh* Lets see have you ever talked me into anything stupider...*sits down thinking really hard* no i think this might be your stupidest. you realize we can't use magic right?? I would think that you would die without the of magic, but i guess i could be wrong. I'm actually kind of intrigued as to how your grades will be in a muggle school... this might be fun afterall!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Hey there Marauders!!

Hey Marauders, its Sam here and here's some advise from me about getting through High School and dating High School girls.(This one is mostly for Sirius.) In other words these are bad pick up lines that you should never use!

Bad Pickup Lines
1."What's your sign?"-This line, which has been around since the Beatles came to America, ranks as the very worst line in dating history in this generation. Yet is used in desperation by some singles.

2."Pardon me, I seem to have lost my phone number, can I borrow yours?"-Maybe this was funny around 1910 or 1915; back when the telephone was a novel appliance. It does not inspire smiles now, only scared and doomed looks.

3."You must be a broom because you're sweeping me off my feet."-Maybe your dad used this one on your mom... Enough said.

4."Do you have a licence? Because you're driving me crazy."-Caution! Watching too many stupid teen movies impairs your judgement!

5."I gotta thirst and baby, you look like my Gatorade."-Generally, comparing potential dates to food or drinks is not a winning move. The only thing this line generates is doomed looks.

6."Are you lost? Because heaven's a long way from here."-Maybe angels like this one, but real women wouldn`t be flattered by this one.surprisingly i actulay do like this one

7."Are you religious? Because you're the answer to all my prayers."-Prayer is something that anyone who uses this tacky line desperately needs.

8."Can I take your picture? I want Santa to know exactly what I want for Christmas."-This line is popular with both men and women who think references to Santa are cute and charming, but will usually just respond in your lover rolling his/her eyes.

9."Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?"Most people would think the person who says this is an ego-crazed snob, and would mostly back away from the person permanently. A select few would fall for this line, thinking its cute, but i suggest you do not take the risk of loosing your chance with that person forever.

10."Well, here I am. What are your other two wishes?"-Never, ever, say that. Ever. The person you say this to will probably think of you as arrogant and self-deluted. This one takes a certain amount of arrogance as well as delusion, to pull off.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Marauders' Mischief

Hello my fans! You have now had the privelige of reading the first ever Marauders' Mischief post, created by yours truly, the amazing Padfoot!

So the gang and I are now taking up the greatest prank of all time! We're going to a Muggle High School! XD But for now, we try to enjoy one of those old-fashion, boring Muggle summers.

Prongs and Moony will be posting occasionally too, so look for their appearances as we set out to cause general mischief around the US!
